Greetings medievalists!
We’re back and ready to talk about features that are coming in the next update. Let’s start with a major one that is requested by a lot of folks: Bed ownership! Settlers can finally have their own beds.
Beds are built as “not assigned” structures. You will be able to assign settlers manually to beds (via that nifty panel in the image above) or, when the night comes, they’ll choose beds and in that process acquire ownership.
This required a lot of troubleshooting on our side. What if the settler has an assigned bed that’s unreachable or locked? What to do if you change the assignment of a bed while it’s being used? What happens if you assign an empty bed to someone while that settler is sleeping somewhere else? Thankfully, we managed to solve most of these problems and find a nice balance. We’ll explain them in the official update log. Some things are worth noting.
A settler can’t have more than one bed under their ownership, and a bed can’t have more than one settler assigned to it. If there is an assigned bed in a single bedroom, that bedroom should become the bedroom of that settler.
What about when a settler gets hurt and needs tending? We hear you, and for that purpose we are introducing medical rooms.
Medical rooms are a new type of room that require only medical beds. These types of beds can’t be assigned, but these types of rooms allow for faster healing and better tending actions. Wounded settlers will always be carried to these beds/rooms, and they can’t be used for regular sleep.
Now, here is the fun stuff – we’ll tie all this bed ownership to another feature called aesthetic & comfort. We’ll talk about it in the next Medieval Monday talk, along with other things that are coming in the next update. See ya soon and…
Stay medieval!