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Medieval Monday Talk #16 – Impact of Aging

Greetings, medievalists!

Another year, another birthday. Growing wiser and gaining more life experience. However, with age comes growing old and dying. Unfortunately, that is the sad state of our world, but it isn’t like that in our medieval colony sim – our settlers are currently immortal (aging wise). But we’ll change that with the next update.

Let’s talk about good things first – settlers will gain new perks with age. Keep in mind that this is based on chance. So, it will be somewhat controlled. Also, older settlers will have their XP cap per day higher than younger ones and will get a small boost to their intellectual skills.

But there are some downsides, as there are in real life. With certain age comes slower movement, worse reflexes, and a longer period of wound healing. After a couple of years (depending on the settler’s age), their chance of dying from old age will increase.

But, you’ll be able to honor them with a pyre or a graveyard – that way, they can be part of your settlement forever. And eventually, new settlers will appear and with that, the cycle will repeat itself. Like it did before, like it will from now on.

Keep and love your settlers and be sure to make the most out of them.

These Medieval Monday Talks are just that – talks. We explain what we are working on and go into more detail. They might not happen every Monday, but we are trying to keep them frequent enough. We don’t have a date for the official update, but when we do – we’ll let you know. Until next time…

Stay medieval!